CMARS on Cronos

Token Information

Cro on Mars ($CMARS) launched on the 24th November 2024

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

(1 Billion)

Ticker: $CMARS

Contract Address: 0x6672E05b4c0f42D8a8E084f39E9FE8566b9F769B

Network: Cronos

Token Decimal: 18

LP: WCRO - CMARS added to VVS Finance

Launch price: $0.000946811 - (1056.18 CMARS per CRO)

Trading Tax: 5% Buy and Sell = 2.5% to LP / 2.5% to Dev

You will find the latest information and documention

about CMARS over at our Gitbook (link below)